The Old Barclays Bank Building in Padiham by Auto Locksmith
Old Barclays Bank Building in Padiham
Built in 1893 by William Dent of Nelson the Branch bank in Padiham with chambers above for the Craven Bank.
Sandstone ashlar and polished pink granite with green slate roof construction. The building occupies a triangular site between 2 roads towards top of a sloping site, with a circular staircase tower with conical roof to emphasise corner.
Built in a Free Italianate style with 2 storeys and 5 bays articulated by entablatures and by pilasters with, on the ground floor, chamfered rustication and pediments above the entablature and, on first floor, reeding beneath sunk panels. Windows - double in most bays - have square heads and, on ground floor, granite surrounds. Overall is a balustrade in which most dies carry cartouches. Upper two storeys of stair-tower have engaged granite columns with Corinthian capitals between windows with semi-circular heads. Doorcase has rusticated pilasters, carved consoles supporting entablature and pediment, and tympanum richly decorated with a medley of Renaissance motifs. Interior: Banking hall has panelled dado around walls and beneath counter, mosaic floor with border of arabesques, and original windows painted with arabesques and initials CBLD.
A fine piece of late Victorian street architecture.
Created: 27 May 2021 Edited: 29 November 2023
Old Barclays Bank Building in Padiham
Local History around Old Barclays Bank Building in Padiham
There are some historic monuments around including:
Hameldon Hill World War II bombing decoy, 390m north of Heights FarmIghtenhill Manor (site of)Hapton CastleOakmount Mill engine and engine house, Wiseman StreetSpigot mortar (Blacker Bombard) position.