The town of Mossley in Greater Manchester is situation on the Tame and is also passed by the west section of the Huddersfield Narrow Canal.
The town is close to the Peak District National Park, offering residents and visitors alike plenty of opportunities to enjoy the great outdoors.
Created: 4 November 2022 Edited: 29 November 2023
Tame (Chew Brook to Swineshaw Brook) Details
Tame (Chew Brook to Swineshaw Brook)
Tame (Chew Brook to Swineshaw Brook) is a river in Greater Manchester
Tame (Chew Brook to Swineshaw Brook) takes in water from an area around 29.104 km2 in size and is part of the Goyt Etherow Tame catchment area.
Tame (Chew Brook to Swineshaw Brook) is 17.387 km long and has been heavily modified by industry in the past.
Huddersfield Narrow Canal west section
Huddersfield Narrow Canal west section is a canal in Greater Manchester
Huddersfield Narrow Canal west sectionis part of Goyt Etherow Tame Canals.
Huddersfield Narrow Canal west section is 14.671 km long and is artificial and not a natural waterway.
Local History around Mossley
There are some historic monuments around including:
Buckton Castle: a ringwork and site of 17th century beacon 350m north east of Castle FarmRingwork in Castlehill WoodCastleshaw Roman forts, 250m west of Castle Shaw FarmBowl barrow 190m NNE of Knarr BarnPost-medieval glassworks 250m south east of Clarke's BridgeRound cairn west of Hollingworthhall MoorMelandra Castle Roman fort.Wildlife in and Around Mossley
Mammals found in Mossley
There have been 36 species of mammals recorded in the mossley area.
(Nyctalus/Eptesicus agg.) |
55 Khz Pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pygmaeus) |
Badger (Meles meles) |
Brandt's Bat (Myotis brandtii) |
Brown Long-Eared Bat (Plecotus auritus) |
45 Khz Pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pipistrellus) |
American Mink (Neovison vison) |
Bank Vole (Myodes glareolus) |
Brown Hare (Lepus europaeus) |
Brown Rat (Rattus norvegicus) |
Tap here for more mammals found in and around Mossley
Birds found in Mossley
There have been 50 species of birds recorded in the mossley area.
American Wigeon (Anas americana) |
Black-Headed Gull (Chroicocephalus ridibundus) |
Buzzard (Buteo buteo) |
Carolina Wood Duck (Aix sponsa) |
Common Sandpiper (Actitis hypoleucos) |
Bar-Headed Goose (Anser indicus) |
British Dipper (Cinclus cinclus subsp. gularis) |
Canada Goose (Branta canadensis) |
Common Myna (Acridotheres tristis) |
Common Swift (Apus apus) |
Tap here for more birds found in and around Mossley
Fish found in Mossley
There have been 17 species of fish recorded in the mossley area.
Bream (Abramis brama) |
Brown/Sea Trout (Salmo trutta) |
Carp (Cyprinus carpio) |
Dace (Leuciscus leuciscus) |
Gudgeon (Gobio gobio) |
Brown Trout (Salmo trutta subsp. fario) |
Bullhead (Cottus gobio) |
Chub (Squalius cephalus) |
Eel (Anguilla anguilla) |
Minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus) |