Lyndley Wood Reservoir by Auto Locksmith

Lindley Wood Reservoir

Lindley Wood Reservoir is in Nidderdale AONB, a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

Created: 19  November  2020  Edited: 29  November  2023

Lindley Wood Reservoir Details

Lindley Wood Reservoir is a small freshwater lake in North Yorkshire, situated at an altitude of around 93 meters and is shallow.

The shoreline of Lindley Wood Reservoir is approximately 4.918 Kilometers all the way round.

  • Altitude: 93 m
  • Shoreline: 4.918 Km
  • Depth: Shallow

Lindley Wood Reservoir

Local History around Lindley Wood Reservoir

There are some historic monuments around including:

Rock with cup marks, rings and grooves near derelict grouse butt, 440m SE of triangulation pillar on Shooting House Hill, Askwith MoorRoman period native settlement in Poolscar Wood, 350m south of Stubbings FarmRock with large oval cup east of plantation on Weston Moor 830m WSW of Dob Park House FarmOtley BridgeRock with at least seven cup marks at edge of track on Stoop Hill, 890m SSE of triangulation point on Shooting House Hill, Askwith MoorCup marked rock 640m north east of Whin Hill Farm, Askwith MoorRock with at least 30 cup marks and some grooves near north east end of ridge, south of Snowden Beck in Ellers Wood, Dob Park, 400m north of Low ParkA 17th century park lodge known as Dobpark Lodge in Dob Park, near OtleyRock with at least two cups and a groove east of the plantation on Weston Moor 450m north west of Weston Moor CottageRock with five or more cups south of track on Weston Moor 300m WNW of Weston Moor CottageBank Slack (camp)Carved rock near north east corner of the plantation on Weston Moor 550m north west of Weston Moor CottageRock with one cup mark east of the plantation on Weston Moor 380m north west of Weston Moor CottageCup marked rock 42m west of gate near Dob Park Bridge, adjacent to track on south bank of River WashburnTwo cup marked rocks near track, 180m east of triangulation pillar on Shooting House Hill, Askwith MoorMedieval royal hunting lodge known as John of Gaunt's Castle, immediately north west of Haverah Park TopCup and groove marked rock, 700m north east of Whin Hill Farm, Askwith MoorCup and ring marked rock in Wharfemeadows Park, 280m west of Newall HallSmall cairnfield with carved rocks north of the plantation on Weston Moor centred 730m north west of Weston Moor CottageRock with one cup mark, 290m S of Crag House, Askwith MoorCairnfield, enclosures, boulder walling, hollow way and carved rocks towards edge of Snowden Carr centred at 370m south east of Crag HouseCup marked rock in boulder walling between Southpiece Cottage and Bleach MillCarved rock below Snowden Crags on Snowden Carr, 100m south of Crag HouseCairn 6m in diameter south of track east of plantation on Weston Moor 300m WNW of Weston Moor CottageTwo carved rocks south of derelict grouse butt, 840m SSW of Crag HouseCup and ring marked rock on Little Alms CliffRoman period native settlement in Danefield Wood, 490m south west of Stubbings FarmRock with single cup mark near south east edge of gas pipeline, Snowden Carr, 430m SSE of Crag House, Askwith MoorCup, ring and groove marked rock south of track on Weston Moor 500m WNW of Weston Moor CottageTwo carved rocks south of Snowden Beck in Ellers Wood, Dob Park, 570m south east of Carr FarmCup, ring and groove marked rock near gate in enclosed pasture on Snowden Carr, 350m south of Low Hill FarmCup and ring marked rock on ridge 520m south of triangulation pillar on Shooting House Hill, Askwith MoorRock with at least two cup marks on Hollin Tree Hill, 840m NNE of Whin Hill Farm, Askwith MoorRock with at least 33 cup marks, some enclosed by grooves, at top of slope between fence and Snowden Beck in Ellers Wood, Dob Park, 600m NE of Midge HallRock with one large cup mark, 230m east of the triangulation pillar on Shooting House Hill, 610m SSW of Crag HouseRock with one cup mark and two short grooves, south of Snowden Beck in Ellers Wood, Dob Park, 570m south east of Carr FarmCairnfield and carved rocks on Snowden Carr 670m south west of Low Hall FarmCairn 7m in diameter north of track east of plantation on Weston Moor 450m WNW of Weston Moor CottageCup and ring marked rock known as the Knotties Stone on Otley Chevin, 270m north east of The Royalty public houseCup and groove marked rock in boulder walling between Southpiece Cottage and Bleach MillCup, ring and groove marked rock in enclosed pasture on Snowden Carr, 500m south east of Crag HouseRock with one or two cup marks near derelict walling below outcrop in enclosed pasture on Snowden Carr, 350m west of Carr FarmRock with at least two cup marks south east of cairnfield on Snowden Carr, 720m SSE of Crag HouseCup, ring and groove marked rock, 400m west of Carr FarmThree carved fragments of gritstone outcrop in enclosed pasture on Snowden Carr, 500m south west of Washburn FarmCup marked rock near gate in enclosed pasture on Snowden Carr, 460m south west of Washburn FarmAnti-aircraft gunsite 280m east of Carlton HallCarved rock on Pelstone Crag 530m west of Danefield HouseRock with cup marks and grooves near boundary between Askwith Moor and Denton Moor, 600m east of DunkirkRock with at least eight cups south of track on Weston Moor 480m WNW of Weston Moor CottageRock with cup marks enclosed by grooves at north east end of ridge, south of Snowden Beck in Ellers Wood, Dob Park, 420m north of Low Park.

Wildlife in and around Lindley Wood Reservoir

Lindley Wood Reservoir Birds

There are 165 species of birds recorded as found near Lindley Wood Reservoir.

Arctic Tern (Sterna paradisaea)
Barn Owl (Tyto alba)
Bittern (Botaurus stellaris)
Black Tern (Chlidonias niger)
Black-Necked Grebe (Podiceps nigricollis)
Bar-Headed Goose (Anser indicus)
Barnacle Goose (Branta leucopsis)
Black Swan (Cygnus atratus)
Black-Headed Gull (Chroicocephalus ridibundus)
Blackbird (Turdus merula)

Tap here for more wildlife found near Lindley Wood Reservoir lake

Lindley Wood Reservoir map

Lindley Wood Reservoir UK Map