Lammerside Castle by munki-boy
Lammerside Castle
Lammerside Castle is in The Yorkshire Dales National Park in England.
A small corridor and room remain intact in the corner of Lammerside Castle, though it’s probably dangerous to enter due to the fragile state of the rest of the castle. Some elements of the carved stonework survives around door and window frames.
The main interior space of Lammerside Castle has collapsed in the centre and is open to the sky. There are remains of a sprial staircase leading to the upper floor.
The collapsed upper floor of Lammerside Castle has a large gaping hole in the centre and unstable looking walls. It is possible to see the remnants of doors and rooms that once occupied this space. You can still see an intact upper floor window and part of a room on the upper floor.
Created: 27 November 2016 Edited: 29 November 2023

Lammerside Castle
Lammerside Castle LiDAR Map
Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0
Local History around Lammerside Castle
There are some historic monuments around including:
Croglam Castle defended Iron Age settlementRound barrow 1/4 mile (400m) N of Wharton HallRookby Scarth medieval settlementTwo Romano-British enclosed settlements and an associated regular aggregate field system at Waitby IntakeGiants' Graves, four pillow mounds 300m south east of White Brackens HouseRound cairn on the summit of Rasett HillWaitby medieval village, part of associated open field system, and site of an associated chapelRound barrow 1/4 mile (400m) N of Lammerside CastleSmardale Demesne Romano-British farmstead, 700m south west of Holme FarmWarren including three pillow mounds at Smardale Demesne, 950m south west of Holme FarmRound barrow 200yds (180m) NE of Hell Gill HoweThree round cairns 190m south of White Brackens HouseWharton Hall, gatehouse, banqueting hall and kitchenSmardale railway viaductLynchets WNW of Wharton HallIntake Bottom settlement enclosure and hut circle, 500m WSW of Croglam CastleSettlement N of Hartley QuarriesWaitby Castle enclosed Romano-British settlement and part of a medieval dykeSmardale South Demesne medieval villageLammerside Castle medieval tower houseRomano-British farmstead 670m ESE of WhingillHartley Castle and associated earthworksWhitber Romano-British farmstead 660m south west of Highmore HillRomano-British farmstead 700m east of WhingillPendragon CastleRomano-British farmstead 650m south east of Whingill.