Lad Hows by munki-boy
Lad Hows
Lad Hows is in The Lake District National Park in England.
Created: 17 April 2021 Edited: 29 November 2023
Lad Hows Details
Lad Hows is a 426 metre high hill in Cumbria.
Lad Hows
Lad Hows LiDAR Map
Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0
Local History around Lad Hows
There are some historic monuments around including:
Smithy Beck settlement: Latterbarrow longhouse 860m north west of Low GillerthwaitePrehistoric cairnfield 1.0km ESE of Low GillerthwaiteForce Crag mines and barytes mill and a prehistoric cairnfieldRomano-British farmstead 200m west of Lambing KnottPrehistoric cairnfield and a Romano-British farmstead and its associated field system 1.24 km ESE of Low GillerthwaiteShieling settlement close to the mouth of Scale BeckSmithy Beck settlement 1.10km north-west of Low GillerthwaiteGillerthwaite and Dodsgill Beck medieval settlements, associated field systems and cairnfields 790m ENE and 370m north-east of Low GillerthwaiteRound cairn on GrasmoorMoated site of Loweswater PeleRomano-British enclosed hut circle settlement and associated annexe at Lanthwaite Green.