Higher Hempshaws by munki-boy
Higher Hempshaws (ruin)
The ruins of Higher Hempshaw’s Farm above Anglezarke.
A familiar landmark to local hikers, with its distinctive double-windows in a wall that remains upstanding. Looking ‘in to’ the farm from outside you can now spot Winter Hill summit and Noon Hill, through the windows.
Derelict before the mid-20th Century.
Created: 11 June 2023 Edited: 29 November 2023
Higher Hempshaws (ruin)
Higher Hempshaws (ruin) LiDAR Map
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Local History around Higher Hempshaws (ruin)
There are some historic monuments around including:
Round cairn on Winter HillPike Stones chambered long cairnRound cairn 280m west of Old Harpers FarmRound cairn on Noon HillHeadless Cross, GrimefordRound Loaf bowl barrow on Anglezarke Moor.