Hertfordshire by Lucy Sugden Weaving Artist
Part or all of Hertfordshire is in Chilterns AONB, a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
Created: 9 May 2021 Edited: 29 November 2023
Nature Reserves in Hertfordshire
There are 3 nature reserves in Hertfordshire.
Wildlife in and around Hertfordshire
Hertfordshire Mammals
There are 57 species of mammals recorded as found near Hertfordshire.
45 Khz Pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pipistrellus) |
Badger (Meles meles) |
Brown Long-Eared Bat (Plecotus auritus) |
Chinese Barking Deer (Muntiacus reevesi) |
Daubenton's Bat (Myotis daubentonii) |
55 Khz Pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pygmaeus) |
Brown Hare (Lepus europaeus) |
Brown Rat (Rattus norvegicus) |
Common Shrew (Sorex araneus) |
Domestic Cat (Felis catus) |
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Hertfordshire Birds
There are 327 species of birds recorded as found near Hertfordshire.
Bar-Headed Goose (Anser indicus) |
Buzzard (Buteo buteo) |
Canada Goose (Branta canadensis) |
Chukar Partridge (Alectoris chukar) |
Common Swift (Apus apus) |
Barnacle Goose (Branta leucopsis) |
Cackling Goose (Branta hutchinsii) |
Carolina Wood Duck (Aix sponsa) |
Common Sandpiper (Actitis hypoleucos) |
Dark-bellied Brent Goose (Branta bernicla subsp. bernicla) |
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Hertfordshire Fish
There are 37 species of fish recorded as found near Hertfordshire.
Barbel (Barbus barbus) |
Brown Trout (Salmo trutta subsp. fario) |
Bullhead (Cottus gobio) |
Chub (Squalius cephalus) |
Dace (Leuciscus leuciscus) |
Bream (Abramis brama) |
Brown/Sea Trout (Salmo trutta) |
Carp (Cyprinus carpio) |
Crucian Carp (Carassius carassius) |
Eel (Anguilla anguilla) |
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Hertfordshire Reptiles
There are 6 species of reptiles recorded as found near Hertfordshire.
Common Lizard (Zootoca vivipara) |
Slow-worm (Anguis fragilis) |
Red-eared Terrapin (Trachemys scripta) |
Grass Snake (Natrix helvetica) |
Adder (Vipera berus) |
Sand Lizard (Lacerta agilis) |
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Hertfordshire Amphibians
There are 9 species of amphibians recorded as found near Hertfordshire.
Common Frog (Rana temporaria) |
Great Crested Newt (Triturus cristatus) |
Palmate Newt (Lissotriton helveticus) |
Alpine Newt (Ichthyosaura alpestris) |
Natterjack Toad (Epidalea calamita) |
Common Toad (Bufo bufo) |
Smooth Newt (Lissotriton vulgaris) |
Edible Frog (Pelophylax esculentus) |
Midwife Toad (Alytes obstetricans) |
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