Bluebells by Hall Brook by munki-boy
Hall Brook
Hall Brook takes water from Cote Slack, Catter Nab and Old Kate’s Close on the moorland slopes of the west side of Winter Hill
The Hall Brook is best known as it flows down behind Rivington Hall where a waterwheel was once situated and through the former parkland before passing behind Rivington Village before emptying into the Lower Rivington Reservoir behind the the old Grammer School.
There are a number of very small waterfalls on the Hall Brook, often where it flows under causeways. There are also a few industrial remains around the area of the hall. They aren’t publicly accessible but can be glimpsed from the footpaths. The brook is managed close to the hall where it is used to feed the ornamental lake.
Created: 6 May 2022 Edited: 29 November 2023