Gamelands Stone Circle

Gamelands Stone Circle is in The Lake District National Park in England.

The monument is Gamelands embanked stone circle. It is located on gently sloping land immediately south of the foot of limestone upland known as Knott. The monument includes an oval enclosure of 40 large stones, all of which have fallen, and three smaller stones. All of the stones are Shap pink granite with the exception of one which is limestone. None exceed 0.9m in height and their circumferences at ground level vary between 1.9m and 3.8m. The stones are set into a slight bank approximately 2.5m wide and up to 0.2m high. The stone circle encloses an area measuring c.43m east-west by 38m north-south. The stones on the south side of the circle are on slightly higher land than elsewhere. There is an entrance 4m wide between two of these stones. This entrance overlooks land that falls away to the south-east. Limited antiquarian investigation within the circle located a sandstone slab, interpreted as the cover of a burial cist, and two pieces of worked flint. A drystone wall immediately to the south of the circle is excluded from the scheduling but the ground beneath it is included. Gamelands embanked stone circle remains unencumbered by modern development and is a fine example of a large irregular stone circle. It is the only complete example of an embanked stone circle in Cumbria. Extract from Record of Scheduled Monuments

Created: 27  November  2016  Edited: 29  November  2023

Gamelands Stone Circle

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