A small village near Oundle in Northamptonshire that was the site of Fotheringhay Castle.
Created: 15 February 2022 Edited: 29 November 2023
Local History around Fotheringhay
There are some historic monuments around including:
Sutton Heath, Romano-British siteTwo churchyard crossesWansford Roman siteWansford BridgeSite of Fotheringhay PrioryWansford BridgeSouth BridgeDovecote NW of Apethorpe Palace formerly known as Apethorpe HallFotheringhay BridgeStoke Doyle moated site, near Oundle.Henge, ring ditch and prehistoric settlement remains, 450m west of High Holborn LodgeSite of Roman villa NE of Sibson HollowChurchyard cross in St Leonard's churchyardFotheringhay motte and bailey castleEarthworks of Abbot of Ramsey's ManorAshton Roman small town north east of OundleBowl barrow 700m east of Oundle LodgeCropmark site of a barrow cemetery and a quadrilateral ditched enclosure, together with pits and a pit alignment, approximately 837m south-east of Sacrewell FarmhouseLittle Green moated siteRoman fort and enclosure at Sutton CrossSaxon settlement enclosurePapley deserted medieval village, moat and fishpond, near Warmington..