Ruins of Foe Edge above Haslingden Grane by munki-boy
Foe Edge (ruin)
The ruins at Foe Edge stand out as a tall end-wall and slight return remain upstanding and are often seen from the surrounding hills across the valley. The views are amazing down the Graine Valley towards Haslingden and the Rossendale Valley beyond.
Foe Edge seems to have gone derelict sometime in the latter-half of the 20th Century which is later than many of the other lost dwellings in the area.
Created: 26 December 2019 Edited: 29 November 2023
Foe Edge (ruin)
Foe Edge (ruin) LiDAR Map
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Local History around Foe Edge (ruin)
There are some historic monuments around including:
Stone circle, ring cairn and two round cairns on Cheetham CloseHigher Mill, HelmshoreCoking ovens and associated coal workings on Aushaw Moss 450m south west of Lower HouseRemains of Aspen Colliery, associated beehive coking ovens and canal basin.