Dean Gate by munki-boy
Dean Gate
Dean Gate on the Smithills Hall Estate.
A mid-19th Century house on the site of an early 18th Century or possibly older farmstead. Datestones from a remodelling in the 19th Century, read P.A. for Peter Ainsworth and the year 1842. Older datestones are present including ‘R’ over ‘I N’ and the year 1721.
Currently empty and boarded for a few years (2021) the building is a large, stone farmhouse with ruinous outbuildings to the rear and a small stone cottage adjacent. The rubble remains of other outbuildings are found in the small woodland opposite. This shell of a historic former home is in need of sympathetic restoration.
Created: 18 April 2021 Edited: 29 November 2023
Dean Gate
Local History around Dean Gate
There are some historic monuments around including:
Round cairn on Winter HillRound cairn 280m west of Old Harpers FarmCoking ovens and associated coal workings on Aushaw Moss 450m south west of Lower HouseStone circle, ring cairn and two round cairns on Cheetham CloseRound cairn on Noon Hill.