Clent Hills by AS
Clent Hills
A stunning countryside haven in the heart of the busy Midlands.
Created: 10 December 2020 Edited: 29 November 2023
Clent Hills Woodland
Clent Hills is a 0.58 hectare, woodland area in Worcestershire, managed by Woodland Welcome.Clent Hills LiDAR Map
Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0
Local History around Clent Hills
There are some historic monuments around including:
Triangular crane, Bumble Hole BoatyardMoated site at Fairfield CourtCross in St John the Baptist's churchyardSmall multivallate hillfort called Wychbury Ring 450m south east of Pedmore HallThe Redhouse, Whitehouse and Newhouse glassworksBarrow HillChurchill ForgeDodford Priory moated siteSmall multivallate hillfort called Wychbury Ring 450m south east of Pedmore HallCoal mining remains at Saltwells Wood, immediately west of Saltwells HouseMoated site, fishponds and quarries at Harvington Hall.