Bridge to the Island Temple at Croome by munki-boy
Bridges to the Island Temple at Croome
The island temple at Croome is reached by a pair of early 19th Century bridges. Made of diagonally intersecting iron and steeply ramped with circles in spandrels and wooden boarding; built on stone abutments.
Created: 17 July 2021 Edited: 29 November 2023
Bridges to the Island Temple at Croome
Local History around Bridges to the Island Temple at Croome
There are some historic monuments around including:
Ripple village crossEckington BridgeUckinghall crossDisc barrow 400m SSE of Common FarmMoated site 150m east of St Nicholas' ChurchChurchyard cross in St Denys's churchyardMotte castle, moated site, and medieval agricultural remains at Crookbarrow FarmDisc barrow 400m south of Common FarmBoundary cross at entrance to Quay LaneMoated site at Manor FarmRingwork known as Hanley Castle 520m south of the Church of St. MaryMoated site and Civil War defences at Strensham CastleCross north of St Mary's ChurchDisc barrow 500m south of Common FarmUpton cross in old churchyardBoundary cross 50m NW of Northend CottageThe Tithe BarnTower of old churchChurchyard cross in St Mary the Virgin's churchyard.