Barrow Bridge Waterfall by munki-boy
Barrow Bridge Waterfall
A tiny artificial waterfall over an old weir associated with the former mills just downstream.
An extra little treat when passing through a very quaint village, the Barrow Bridge Waterfall is a bit difficult to view from the road, the stone bridge beside the mission is probably easiest.
The stream bedrock is exposed at the foot of the waterfall which is interesting to see as a good part of the river thereafter was concreted over in the mid-19th Century.
We couldn’t advise it of-course but at one time small children would climb down the retaining wall and creep behind the curtain of water which was also common at other similar weirs locally.
Created: 27 November 2016 Edited: 29 November 2023
Barrow Bridge Waterfall
Barrow Bridge Waterfall LiDAR Map
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Local History around Barrow Bridge Waterfall
There are some historic monuments around including:
Round cairn 280m west of Old Harpers FarmRound cairn on Winter HillStone circle, ring cairn and two round cairns on Cheetham CloseRound cairn on Noon Hill.